JarInv is a non profit organisation for investment education. Our aim is to make novice investors more knowledgeable so they make fewer investing mistakes as they begin their journey.
How to start the investing journey. The importance of understanding why costs matter. Look at the first steps in investing.
How to avoid the common, beginner mistakes when investing. An understanding of Pound Cost Averaging (sometimes called Dollar Cost Averaging). Learn about "haystacks".
An awareness of the skills required to generate competitive returns when investing money for beginners. Understand how compound returns work.
An investigation on one of the most common error states that easily spiral into damage and default. Read about the drivers of boom and bust cycles.
An acknowledgement of the state of mind required to be successful when investing money for beginners. Read more about Charlie Munger and his insights into investing.
Additional information and investment education that may be of help to the novice investor. Learn more about pensions, how to invest for children and most importantly, how to budget.
JarInv's view of the world - facts and opinions about almost anything including investing for beginners.
England, United Kingdom